
Life is an IceCream, Enjoy it before it melts

Desirezz Unlimited

What do you desire?
simple question, not so simple answer; a person can write a list longer than complete voter list of china or it can be a one line answer, completely person dependent and no way we can compare two answers. Objectivity of this answer is unlimited and incomparable.
Besides this is an unending list, people who meets a desire generate quest for the next 1, the list is unending, leave aside the living, there desire is unlimited even after their death, many of them want a proper burial and a monument, that people will remember him/her, that something or other be buried / incriminated with them. We can always say that yes Desirezzz Unlimited!!

But, Why? Why are we so wishful , why do we always wish for something or other through out life, never content with ourselves, never happy with the living and livelihood we have. Always looking at other people's life. Making the statement "The grass is always greener on other side of the fence" as true as it can be. A child was thrown into a play school even before he start walking or talking properly, he is not supposed to think but follow the rules, do this not that, play this not that, study this not that. Always instructed , always forced to live a predefined life and after 15 years of hard ship in school when it comes out into real world. It feels like a nobody, without any one to guide. That child was guided through out his/her life and all of a sudden he/ she was asked what he/she wants to do in life, how do you expect him to take the right decision. When you have directed their lives till now they will definitely follow your guidance and will move ahead in his career and life as you dictate them. This lead them to that circle of work, earn and follow their desires.
So is it bad or is it good, Desires are not bad, as they bring to you a passion, a motive to work and move ahead. World would still have been a darker place if Edison didn't have a desire for invention, It would have taken weeks to cross across this globe, if wright brothers didn't have the desire to build an airplane, and this world would have been a safer place if this nobody would have desired to build a nuclear bomb, or chemical weapons, or weapons for that matters. There would have been peace and harmony if no body in this world have the desire to dominate others and become King of the world. So we can say everything in this world is been driven by desires , some pure some impure.
What! What was that , pure and impure? I mean where that came from, how can any one make a difference between these two kinds? be continued

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