Life is an IceCream, Enjoy it before it melts
Save Water
If we'll ask people to pay fr water, it will give mst of thm legitimate right to waste it, if thy'll buy it.
We can only stop people frm wasting it by providing bettr ways to live thr lives, People always try to follow wht's in fashion. And what better way to bring it in fashion then ask celebs to start saving water and asking people to do the same.
What abt using toilets like those used in space which throws out wastes using a vaccum pump instead of water. Applyin luxury taxes on equipments like jacuzzi, jet showers, extra taxes on house reg which has pools inbuilt. Treating these luxurious activities,as luxuries and chargin them will be beter than chargin evry1 for basicfulfilment of water.
Remember the Old saying 'a drop every day can fill an ocean' Save water!!
Have You Ever

Smoked a cigarette?: Still a counter runs over my desktop to tell me how many days since I had a fag.
Crashed a friend's car?: Not yet, may be some day when I get a chance to run a sports car.
Stolen a car?: In real life, all I did was open a car’s door using a scale, life’s so boring, I know.
Stolen a car?: In real life, all I did was open a car’s door using a scale, life’s so boring, I know.
Been in love?: Yes, not interested in trying that feeling any time soon.
Been dumped?: Yes.
Shoplifted?: May be.
Been in a fist fight?: Ahh.. the good old days. Had some in school.
Sneakded out of your parent's house?: Never got a chance to, they were liberal enough.
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?: Many J.
Been arrested?: Mere khandaan mein Jail jaane ki shart nahin hoti hai . (plz refer: Jaane tu ya jaane na).
Gone on a blind date?: A few times, it’s adventurous but risky as well, for all that matters you can be set up with a psychopath or worse Balaji serial lover .
Skipped school?: Ahh.. the good old days.
Been on a plane?: A few times only :( .
Seen someone die?: Someone very closed passed away last year, it’s a feeling I can’t explain nor want to experience again but it’s a truth I cannot deny as well.
Been to Canada?: Why should I?
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?: Not on myself but in college I had a feeling that I was pyromaniac some times. We burned various stuffs in nescafe as well as set a bed on fire, wall on fire, etc etc
Been jet-skiing?: Would love to!
Been jet-skiing?: Would love to!
Met someone in person from the Internet?: Planned twice, canceled twice.
Taken pain killers?: Used to in school days, now I keep them for my friends.
Flown a kite?: Yes, looooonng time ago
Built a sand castle?: The only castle I built were in Age of Empires.
Built a sand castle?: The only castle I built were in Age of Empires.
Gone puddle jumping?:Still do it whenever get a chance… it’s awsome
Cheated while playing a game?: hehehe…depends!
Been lonely?: It’s rare that I am alone rarer that I am lonely, coz when I am alone I am with myself and not lonely.
Fallen asleep at work or school/college?: Did that every where school, college, classes, labs, sports field, gym, even at my work station in office
Used a fake ID?:Wherever required, whenever I can get a hold of those.
Felt an earthquake?:Once I woke up with that terrible earth quake, which damaged half of Jabalpur & nearby towns, thank fully nothing bad happened in our home or city.
Touched a snake?: Yes, I don’t like the feeling of picking any pet though
Slept beneath the stars?: Slept under bare sky with stars, without stars, with mosquitoes without those, etc etc.
Been robbed?: Someone said we are robbed of our innocence as soon as we entered college, I was born in Rewa (A city of goons & crooks), so cannot even say that. So thankfully never robbed. And hope to maintain same state ever.
Been misunderstood?:Many many times, I am a blabbermouth and people take me as they perceive. I might not mean much of what I say at times.
Won a contest?: Don’t want to brag.
Run a red light/stop sign?:I follow traffic rules unless everyone is running like a mad cow?
Been suspended from school?: I was good at excuses, so NO
Been in a car accident?: It was a learning experience.
Eaten whole pint of ice cream in one night?: Bring it ON!!
Walked the streets drunk?: Still does when in mood and with friends
Had déjà vu?: Several times… mind works in complex ways
Danced in the moonlight?: Alone or with some one?
Witnessed a crime?: Small crimes see them every day, Some serious ones a few times, reports ‘NO’ , coz my friends were the convicts.
Been obsessed with post-it notes?: What is that?
Squished barefoot through the mud?: It’s dirty but awesome!
Been lost?: Lost on roads, lost in careers, lost in love, lost in translation.. Yes, I have lost
Been on the opposite side of the country?: The farthest I have been is Guwahati.
Swum in the ocean?: Just splashed on beach sides, no swimming yet.
Cried yourself to sleep?: No comments. But Mr. Srk says, crying make you stronger
Played cops and robbers?: Ofcourse as a child on streets, when in college played Call of Duty, does that count as well?
Recently coloured with crayons?: Yes, organized an environment club event, and a crayon painting competition there last year.
Sung karaoke?: One of my dreams is to start a Karaaoke bar in India, to sing there myself, well that is something I don’t want to do.
Paid for a meal with only coins?:hehehe yes… it was a bill of Rs. 50+.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?: Cross dressing (for a stage show) & many other things.
Made prank phone calls?:hmm… mischievous art of prank call… always in fashion !
Caught a snow flake on your tongue?: Not yet L.
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: By the time I got to know about santa clause, I was too old to believe it.
Blown bubbles?: Still do, I have a giant bubble maker, the biggest bubble I ever made till now was of diameter 10 cm +, Want to go further up.
Bonfire on the beach?: Not on a beach yet, may be next time I will go to some beach during new year.
Cheated on a test?: He hehe.. can’t risk telling that in public forum..
Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?: ahem ahem…not yet J
The Bus Ride!!!
What is the difference between Living a life and being just alive?
The same difference which is between driving a car and travelling in a city bus.
In one case you are master of your fate, you know if you want to accelerate or slow down, take a risky cut or sail around. While when you are on a city bus, you will be travelling from one destination to other but you won't be the one who decides how should the journey take place, which path to choose?
Our entire life; we are travelling in a city bus, ever since we are born till we die, most of us will be changing their buses but they will keep travelling in a city bus. How often do we stop, to think, to measure our options, may be to buy a car?
While we are young our parents drop us in the bus to school and we enter into adolescence without even peeking out of the bus. Often we spend time trying to do mischievous acts behind the backs of the conductors.We are so busy fighting with the bullies of the bus, trying to create our own identity in that place.And before we know the time gets over and we have to board down from the School Bus.
Some of us thinks this is the time to buy a car, some even suggest this idea to their parents. But most of us are back, including those who seek their parents' permission; and this time to board the Bus to COLLEGE. Time we have new mates, new conductors, sharper turns, bumpy rides, you feel the thrill of riding a real city bus, you think this is the closest to the edge you will be going, because of someone Else's driving. After the journey is over. You will buy a car for yourself and will happily drive it for the rest of journey ...
But as the time to end this journey comes closer, you realizes that you don't know how to drive, you have spent so many years travelling in a bus that you didn't care to learn how to drive. The gutsy people still go out to buy a car, others join driving lessons, but this is the story of the selected few, those you are the one with Guts and glory.
Most of us are still not the gutsy kind, our faces are as panicked as it can get. And in this panic moment, we feel helpless, our brains stop thinking, every near one, dear one, suggest us different bus to catch. But in this panic driven moment most of us always catch the first bus we find space in, most of us feel further week in their knees when they are not allowed in the first few of these buses, and they board over in some places they wouldn't even have looked otherwise.
And so start our next journey the Journey of Career, in few cases a break journey of various Careers.
Some still buys a car, some buy a really luxurious one, but at the end we find only one answer for everything , that no matter which path or way the bus driver will take you, once you are boarded on a bus you can not say NO to the driver, do don't board a bus if you hate the path. Don't join a journey if you don't feel like doing it. Buy a car if you want to drive yourself, even if a small. Else be happy about the drivers route and your fate. Because my friends at the end of journey all of us will be meeting again, in the same destination. No matter what.
Bonne Voyage!!
The same difference which is between driving a car and travelling in a city bus.
In one case you are master of your fate, you know if you want to accelerate or slow down, take a risky cut or sail around. While when you are on a city bus, you will be travelling from one destination to other but you won't be the one who decides how should the journey take place, which path to choose?
Our entire life; we are travelling in a city bus, ever since we are born till we die, most of us will be changing their buses but they will keep travelling in a city bus. How often do we stop, to think, to measure our options, may be to buy a car?
While we are young our parents drop us in the bus to school and we enter into adolescence without even peeking out of the bus. Often we spend time trying to do mischievous acts behind the backs of the conductors.We are so busy fighting with the bullies of the bus, trying to create our own identity in that place.And before we know the time gets over and we have to board down from the School Bus.
Some of us thinks this is the time to buy a car, some even suggest this idea to their parents. But most of us are back, including those who seek their parents' permission; and this time to board the Bus to COLLEGE. Time we have new mates, new conductors, sharper turns, bumpy rides, you feel the thrill of riding a real city bus, you think this is the closest to the edge you will be going, because of someone Else's driving. After the journey is over. You will buy a car for yourself and will happily drive it for the rest of journey ...
But as the time to end this journey comes closer, you realizes that you don't know how to drive, you have spent so many years travelling in a bus that you didn't care to learn how to drive. The gutsy people still go out to buy a car, others join driving lessons, but this is the story of the selected few, those you are the one with Guts and glory.
Most of us are still not the gutsy kind, our faces are as panicked as it can get. And in this panic moment, we feel helpless, our brains stop thinking, every near one, dear one, suggest us different bus to catch. But in this panic driven moment most of us always catch the first bus we find space in, most of us feel further week in their knees when they are not allowed in the first few of these buses, and they board over in some places they wouldn't even have looked otherwise.
And so start our next journey the Journey of Career, in few cases a break journey of various Careers.
Some still buys a car, some buy a really luxurious one, but at the end we find only one answer for everything , that no matter which path or way the bus driver will take you, once you are boarded on a bus you can not say NO to the driver, do don't board a bus if you hate the path. Don't join a journey if you don't feel like doing it. Buy a car if you want to drive yourself, even if a small. Else be happy about the drivers route and your fate. Because my friends at the end of journey all of us will be meeting again, in the same destination. No matter what.
Bonne Voyage!!
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