Smoked a cigarette?: Still a counter runs over my desktop to tell me how many days since I had a fag.
Crashed a friend's car?: Not yet, may be some day when I get a chance to run a sports car.
Stolen a car?: In real life, all I did was open a car’s door using a scale, life’s so boring, I know.
Stolen a car?: In real life, all I did was open a car’s door using a scale, life’s so boring, I know.
Been in love?: Yes, not interested in trying that feeling any time soon.
Been dumped?: Yes.
Shoplifted?: May be.
Been in a fist fight?: Ahh.. the good old days. Had some in school.
Sneakded out of your parent's house?: Never got a chance to, they were liberal enough.
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?: Many J.
Been arrested?: Mere khandaan mein Jail jaane ki shart nahin hoti hai . (plz refer: Jaane tu ya jaane na).
Gone on a blind date?: A few times, it’s adventurous but risky as well, for all that matters you can be set up with a psychopath or worse Balaji serial lover .
Skipped school?: Ahh.. the good old days.
Been on a plane?: A few times only :( .
Seen someone die?: Someone very closed passed away last year, it’s a feeling I can’t explain nor want to experience again but it’s a truth I cannot deny as well.
Been to Canada?: Why should I?
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?: Not on myself but in college I had a feeling that I was pyromaniac some times. We burned various stuffs in nescafe as well as set a bed on fire, wall on fire, etc etc
Been jet-skiing?: Would love to!
Been jet-skiing?: Would love to!
Met someone in person from the Internet?: Planned twice, canceled twice.
Taken pain killers?: Used to in school days, now I keep them for my friends.
Flown a kite?: Yes, looooonng time ago
Built a sand castle?: The only castle I built were in Age of Empires.
Built a sand castle?: The only castle I built were in Age of Empires.
Gone puddle jumping?:Still do it whenever get a chance… it’s awsome
Cheated while playing a game?: hehehe…depends!
Been lonely?: It’s rare that I am alone rarer that I am lonely, coz when I am alone I am with myself and not lonely.
Fallen asleep at work or school/college?: Did that every where school, college, classes, labs, sports field, gym, even at my work station in office
Used a fake ID?:Wherever required, whenever I can get a hold of those.
Felt an earthquake?:Once I woke up with that terrible earth quake, which damaged half of Jabalpur & nearby towns, thank fully nothing bad happened in our home or city.
Touched a snake?: Yes, I don’t like the feeling of picking any pet though
Slept beneath the stars?: Slept under bare sky with stars, without stars, with mosquitoes without those, etc etc.
Been robbed?: Someone said we are robbed of our innocence as soon as we entered college, I was born in Rewa (A city of goons & crooks), so cannot even say that. So thankfully never robbed. And hope to maintain same state ever.
Been misunderstood?:Many many times, I am a blabbermouth and people take me as they perceive. I might not mean much of what I say at times.
Won a contest?: Don’t want to brag.
Run a red light/stop sign?:I follow traffic rules unless everyone is running like a mad cow?
Been suspended from school?: I was good at excuses, so NO
Been in a car accident?: It was a learning experience.
Eaten whole pint of ice cream in one night?: Bring it ON!!
Walked the streets drunk?: Still does when in mood and with friends
Had déjà vu?: Several times… mind works in complex ways
Danced in the moonlight?: Alone or with some one?
Witnessed a crime?: Small crimes see them every day, Some serious ones a few times, reports ‘NO’ , coz my friends were the convicts.
Been obsessed with post-it notes?: What is that?
Squished barefoot through the mud?: It’s dirty but awesome!
Been lost?: Lost on roads, lost in careers, lost in love, lost in translation.. Yes, I have lost
Been on the opposite side of the country?: The farthest I have been is Guwahati.
Swum in the ocean?: Just splashed on beach sides, no swimming yet.
Cried yourself to sleep?: No comments. But Mr. Srk says, crying make you stronger
Played cops and robbers?: Ofcourse as a child on streets, when in college played Call of Duty, does that count as well?
Recently coloured with crayons?: Yes, organized an environment club event, and a crayon painting competition there last year.
Sung karaoke?: One of my dreams is to start a Karaaoke bar in India, to sing there myself, well that is something I don’t want to do.
Paid for a meal with only coins?:hehehe yes… it was a bill of Rs. 50+.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?: Cross dressing (for a stage show) & many other things.
Made prank phone calls?:hmm… mischievous art of prank call… always in fashion !
Caught a snow flake on your tongue?: Not yet L.
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: By the time I got to know about santa clause, I was too old to believe it.
Blown bubbles?: Still do, I have a giant bubble maker, the biggest bubble I ever made till now was of diameter 10 cm +, Want to go further up.
Bonfire on the beach?: Not on a beach yet, may be next time I will go to some beach during new year.
Cheated on a test?: He hehe.. can’t risk telling that in public forum..
Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?: ahem ahem…not yet J
I got inspired by a fellow friend, and college mate Shivam, to write this blog.
quite interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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